NANFA-- RE:carp kills

Nicholas J. Zarlinga (
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 19:09:38 -0400

We had a large die off in the western basin of Lake Erie recently. In
talking to our DNR folks, they were still clueless as to what could be the
cause. As the link that you posted suggests, I have heard of everything
from bacterial to viral to low O2 levels to temp swings. The temp swings
and the O2 I have a hard time with since it is only the carp that seem to
be dying and there are other fish in their breeding grounds which would be
much more suceptible to these conditions than carp. On an interesting
note, again as suggested, I have heard of the introduced koi herpesvirus
wreaking havoc on the big koi people. This virus has reportedly come in
from large farms in Israel and other middle eastern contries and was
devestating some _very_ expensive koi fanatics and could possibly have been
introduced into the environment. You think that native fish enthusiasts
are fanatics, koi nuts will pay thousands of dollars (sometime even 10's of
thousands) for one fish! To have your collection drop for an unknown
reason is probably like watching the stock maket plummet. Since I don't
have a fortune in koi or stocks, I guess I cannot make the comparison ;-).

What I find interesting is that people call carp garbage fish and a
detriment to gamefish, but when you finally find something that will
exterminate an long term exotic, everyone complains!

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216-661-6500 ex 4485

"Fish worship... is it wrong??" (Ray Troll)

On Monday, June 18, 2001 10:30 PM, nanfa
[] wrote:
> Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:06:14 -0500
> From: kahley <>
> Subject: NANFA-- Another fish kill update
> Hello, I sign on a couple days ago, hoping to find some
> info on the carp kill that happened almost a year ago,
> on the Susquehanna, and other rivers in the east.
> I do quite a bit of snorkeling on the west branch of the
> Susquehanna and I witnessed the kill. The last info
> I could find was during the kill and it was a loosely
> phrased update about weather fronts, and spawning
> stress.
> Just wondering if anyone had any further info. Thanks.

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