Indeed, through Martin's kindness I received some
silversides which survived the shipping ordeal from MS
to MD. One can expect some loses, but your success
indicates that it can be done.
They look very healthy and greedy on chironomids
(bloodworms) and prawn eggs.
In the same shippment there was a mullet-like or
Atherinid-like looking fish that I have no clue what
it is. I will take a picture and upload somewhere for
identification purposes. Thank you
> >
> > I didn't provide many details about the trip
> during which these
> > fishes were collected because, as I mentioned, it
> was actually an
> > anniversary trip with my wife and the fishes were
> somewhat
> > incidental. HOWEVER, I did find something
> interesting which I will
> > now proceed to relate.
> >
> > On the route to Gulfport, near Hattiesburg, there
> is the Pearl River
> > Fish Hatchery. In addition to supplying game
> fishes to farmers they
> > are working with gulf sturgeon. Everybody know
> about triploid grass
> > carp, but apparently somebody at the fishery was
> curious and wondered
> > what would happen if you tried the same thing with
> sturgeon (why
> > sterile sturgeon? I don't know, it was just an
> experiment). Anyway,
> > you subject the eggs to high pressure for a
> certain amount of time
> > and, at least in carp, you get triploid carp.
> >
> > What do you get with gulf sturgeon? Teeny Tiny
> Sturgeon! They have
> > never grown larger than 6 inches, and these are
> specimens which are
> > at several old. Now, I know they don't grow very
> fast anyway (Jan,
> > how large would normal sturgeon be at this age?),
> but it would appear
> > that you can produce miniature sturgeon (For the
> aquarium hobby??)
> > which won't outgrow the average tank.
> >
> > Anyway, they had bunches of these dwarf sturgeon,
> so I bought a
> > couple even though the guy charged me $10 a piece.
> They happily suck
> > down blood worms and sinking pelleted food. I am
> curious to see if
> > these fish will ever be reproductive, although I
> am inclined to doubt
> > it. I have never heard of this before so I just
> thought I would pass
> > it on...
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