Re: NANFA-- shipping silversides- need ID confirmation

Roselawn Museum (
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 15:47:17 -0400

Hi Sorin

The only way I've been able to tell brook from inland (thanks to
Peterson's) is the allignment of the of the first dorsal. On the brook the
origin of the first dorsal is in line with the origin of the anal fin. On
the inland, it is situated ahead of the anal fin. Hope this helps.

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 09:13 PM 6/12/02 -0700, you wrote:
>I want to make sure that my silversides surviving the
>shipping are indeed Labidesthes. I am not an expert
>on their systematics, therefore I will take some pics
>over the weekend and I will ask you gentlemen for
>identification. As you mentioned, some people were
>succesefull shipping Menidia beryllina. Labidesthes is
>the one that doesn't survive the shipping insult.
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