I'm out for the 22nd, dude. I got torpedoed (once again) by my work
schedule. Maybe later in the summer.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 01:40 PM 6/12/02 -0400, you wrote:
>hello all...
>still here... dodging gators and beating back the yellow flies.. i spent
yesterday w/ a biologist state forest ranger seining some swamp waters,
ditches and a creek. today i will do a brackish water search for sailfin
mollies and flag fish. otherwise im wrapping up this trip. 2 more days of
seafood and sunburn and back to chattanooga.
>yesterday we caught gambusia w/ the black and white markings...
holbrooki?, least killies, lake chubbsuckers, redfin and chain pickeral,
warmouth, dollar, blue gill, flier and pygmy sunfish. maybe spotteds also.
beautiful blue spotteds too. flag fin or sail fin shiners... very
beautiful, hard to seperate/ID. breeding brook silversides w/ red noses,
black banded and swamp darters !, catfish unknown, pirate perch. golden
topminnows. the pygmy sunnies are about impossible to tell apart as 3
species are in this range. very hard to id. ive been told of a ranger west
of here. another contact?
>we did get to do a little snorkling yesterday w/ a big gator in the
distance. we took turns dipping our heads while the other kept his eyes on
the gator's eyes. a very, very clear lake but no trespassing signs posted
everywhere. we risked a citation or fine but did the sneaky. we observed
beautiful dollar sunfish and intense gentle pygmy killies. this is a site
all the locals use to swim at. with the carrabelle land grab many cool
sites are now unavailable... but w/ the tate's hell ranger's help ive found
many, many more sites. they take care of me and actually assist me during
state time on these forays. they document what we find. i ID many unknowns
for them. hey... our tax dollars at work! great guys too. ranger justin
took me out on his boat where we hooked a dinner of spainish mackeral and a
lemon shark... he got away. wow! ive never done anything like that. the
family and friends had a banquet the next night!
>ive had so little response for the monteagle teepee fisheree and with all
the other regional activites planned im considering holding off on that
trip and its planning. is anyone interested beyond bruce, steve and i? that
was for the sat june 22 and the following sunday 6/23.
>( bruce and steve... we could still do it tho if yall wish in prep for
some other time.)
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