Re: NANFA-- climbing cyprinid

Bruce Stallsmith (
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:31:49 -0400

I've seen schools of stonerollers moving upstream, up small dams about 1
foot high. They seemed to have no problem with that, and in many highland
streams they're well known to move up and down gradients. In the Smokies,
stonerollers are often the fish found at elevations above any other fish.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: NANFA-- climbing cyprinid
>Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 22:52:19 -0500
> I found a stoneroller in the upper pond of my Gar River . No, thats not
>the newest ride at Redneckland...
>I was wondering if anyone who knew more about this fish thinks its a big
>feat, or something they could do easily. The falls has 2400 gph coming
>it. Its a bit over a foot high. The first 2/3rds going up is slabs of sand
>stone in sort of a step like configuration. The top 6 or so inches is a
>shear drop. The top is little more than six inches across and about and
>deep and over a foot wide. I have seen fish , usually stream killis or
>cyprinids of kinds, on the slabs trying to migrate up stream, but never had
>a fish make it up and over.
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