Right now there are several fish that might think of doing this, but the
most likely culprit is fundulus grandis. The larger sunfish and bowfin stay
out in the main pond. The area below the falls is connected to this by a
"canal" about two feet long and a foot deep. This is now filled with elodea
( or whatever its called now) and white crowfoot. That has seemed to keep
out the larger sunfish and bowfin. Going upstream from this it widens into
a basin about five feet wide with six inch deep shore and the canal becoming
a channel about two feet deep. The channel is filled with large curly leaf
pond weed ( cabbage) that is very dense, coontail, elodea and muskgrass ( an
algae that looks like coontail). The shallow shores are stump filled and
have lots of water bamboo, arrowhead, water arum, watercress and other
plants. The only fish that I see going up in here and moving around with
ease are the grandis. It is hard to say if any of the sunfish are down in
the weeds though.
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