Re: NANFA-- Dave's "surprisingly hardy silversides- ID of
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 18:05:13 EDT
as for the silversides...
brook vs inland.
i have been observing them quite a bit of late. catching them in sienes and
dipnets at night ( fun!). both here in tn and in florida for the last 2
weeks. your pic in my opinion is a inland. a brook has about a 50% longer
snout. there is also a alignment or offset of dorsal and anal fins which will
help you id. i used peterson's for this id info and had a dead brook on a
plate w/ my reading glasses on. very difficult to id. the next day i dip
netted some inlands in a brackish bayou next to the bay... no doubt. once you
hold both it is much easier to id. the inlands had no color. the brooks of
late have been very stunning... red noses, yellow and green bodies. ive got
about a dozen living in my swimming pool now. beautiful fish.
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