your pic in my opinion is a inland. a brook has about
a 50%
longer snout. there is also a alignment or offset of
dorsal and anal fins which will help you id. i used
peterson's for this id info and had a dead brook on a
plate w/ my reading glasses on. very difficult to id.
the inlands had no color. the brooks of late have
been very stunning... red noses, yellow and green
bodies. ive got about a dozen living in my swimming
pool now. beautiful fish. (casper)
The only way I've been able to tell brook from inland
(thanks to
Peterson's) is the alignment of the of the first
dorsal. On the brook
The origin of the first dorsal is in line with the
origin of the anal fin. On the inland, it is situated
ahead of the anal fin.
(Steven A. Ellis)
guide, the fish
labeled as Labidesthes sicculus looks more like
Medidia beryllina. The
shape of the mouth is the giveaway. Labidesthes has a
long, beaklike snout. Menidia has a shorter, rounded
snout. The fish in your photos has a rounded snout.
(Chris Scharpf)
To me the beak is a dead give away. Also the eye
looks larger on the Medidia beryllina than on the
Labidesthes sicculus. (Chip R)
Looks like a small mullet Mugil curema? (Andy Borgia)
I would second that ID for what its worth. what
salinity are you keeping these fish in? I caught some
juvenile mullet earlier this year and tried to keep
them in a salinity of 1.010 with no success.(Geoff
Kimber, Lexington,KY) >>I kept mine in pure freshwater
Around here the mullet come up stream into freshwater
all during the summer
The "mystery" fish is most likely a striped mullet,
Mugil cephalus. (Chris Scharpf)
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