Re: NANFA-- fin rot advice

Christopher Scharpf (
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 13:34:29 GMT

> I have a 250cm Bullhead (Ictalurus melas) in a 50 gal tank. The fish
> was collected a year ago and is healthy and vigorous, but is loosing fin
> tissue - the worst area is on the pectoral fin - however all of the fins
> show some tattering.

I've experienced a similar if not identical problem with a brown bullhead
(Ameiurus nebulosus). Because it is a hardy catfish that can withstand a
lot of abuse, its tank is often the one tank that doesn't get a water change
when I'm pressed for time. So water quality drops, the fish stops eating,
the food I throw in at night before bedtime goes uneaten and spoils the
water even more, and so on. As Lee Harper said in his earlier e-mail,
water change, water change, water change.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that 96% of all aquarium fish health
problems are related to water quality. After all, you're not keeping fish.
You're keeping water!

Chris Scharpf
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