It is a fun exercise to look at the fantastic creatures in SW, and
figure out where the various parts came from. I haven't seen that
much that's truly original - it's all a blend of parts of different
animals we are all familiar with.
Most of the really original stuff can be found in print. Movies cannot
compete with a good book in imaginative characters, settings, and story
lines. mainly because it is cheaper to write about something than it is to
show it on film. But I also think that many audiences would have a difficult
time accepting aliens if they didn't look familiar in some way. Robert
Heinlien's book "Red Planet" is a good example. His ten foot tall three
legged aliens would be difficult to show realistically and few people would
find the most realistic rendition compelling due to their very "alieness" and
they wouldn't believe in them for the 2 hours or so of the movie.
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