RE: NANFA-- Giant sturgeon ?

Crail, Todd (
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 12:23:23 -0400

Very interesting read. Thanks for passing it along.

It never ceases to amaze me how the human reaction to any strange or
foreign organism is "KILL IT!" But then I go on a nature hike with some
Nature-Neophytes and some reptilian joy slithers across the path and
then everyone's jumping around like someone put ants in their pants. If
a garter snake can cause that kind of reaction, I can only imagine the
dismay at the sceen of a "surfacing". In fact, I'd almost pay to watch
that. (and potentially be the voice of reason if necessary :)

Todd "It's coming right at us!!!" Crail

-----Original Message-----
From: William Hoppe
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:42 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Giant sturgeon ?

State Senate OKs refuge for Arkansas river monsters on the White River .
catfish ? This is an interesting and fun read .

[demime 0.98e removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream
which had a name of Monster Story Number Three.url]
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