Re: NANFA-- ID help wanted - freshwater pipefish in N. Florida
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 11:19:53 EDT

oh bull darter dukky....
you did not catch any kind of pipe fish in the middle of florida!
get your glasses man! what you been drinking!

now i know im not the crazy one also. :)
oddly doug, i was just snorkling in the sante fe a few weeks ago. we were
doing the springs arround the town of mayo and decided to check out the
itchetuknee. what a mad house that was. cazillions of folk stirring up the
water. have you ever been mauled and overrun by a flotila of beer guzzling
tubers and their women?
well i was told of the sate fe river and being it was not to far away we
drove south. i hiked upstream a bit and jumped in. very beautiful and lush
growths of osalating plants. mezmerizing. lots of cool fish, very clear water
due to the drought i was told. when i got down to the bridge i was laying in
the shallows and swear to the truth i was peering at a pipefish. i didnt have
a net at ready but almost caught it barehanded. yes i was quite suprised. it
would make a cool addition to a florida spring flow tank. i too looked at a
map and it seemed about 70 miles inland.
catch me one and send it up this way! i will mail you your hearts desire.
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