> The small size for the sturgeon is about right. 7-8 year class for
atlantic sturgeon are only about 12-18 inches according to a guide I read.
That growth can be stunted by protien poor diets or crowding more than 1
specimen per square foot.
> Only problem with having them breed is you'll have to wait about 5 or 6
years. On the up side they live to be about 70 maybe even 100 so that comes
out to about a dime a year for each one.
> Enjoy,
> Steve
> P.S. I would be interested in getting in touch with the hatchery that has
> Irate Mormon <archimed_at_netdoor.com> wrote: Some of you may have read my
post about silversides recently. While
> I don't know yet about their long-term survivability, I was able to
> ship these fishes to Sorin Damian and they arrived alive, and
> reportedly hungry :-)
> I didn't provide many details about the trip during which these
> fishes were collected because, as I mentioned, it was actually an
> anniversary trip with my wife and the fishes were somewhat
> incidental. HOWEVER, I did find something interesting which I will
> now proceed to relate.
> On the route to Gulfport, near Hattiesburg, there is the Pearl River
> Fish Hatchery. In addition to supplying game fishes to farmers they
> are working with gulf sturgeon. Everybody know about triploid grass
> carp, but apparently somebody at the fishery was curious and wondered
> what would happen if you tried the same thing with sturgeon (why
> sterile sturgeon? I don't know, it was just an experiment). Anyway,
> you subject the eggs to high pressure for a certain amount of time
> and, at least in carp, you get triploid carp.
> What do you get with gulf sturgeon? Teeny Tiny Sturgeon! They have
> never grown larger than 6 inches, and these are specimens which are
> at several old. Now, I know they don't grow very fast anyway (Jan,
> how large would normal sturgeon be at this age?), but it would appear
> that you can produce miniature sturgeon (For the aquarium hobby??)
> which won't outgrow the average tank.
> Anyway, they had bunches of these dwarf sturgeon, so I bought a
> couple even though the guy charged me $10 a piece. They happily suck
> down blood worms and sinking pelleted food. I am curious to see if
> these fish will ever be reproductive, although I am inclined to doubt
> it. I have never heard of this before so I just thought I would pass
> it on...
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