RE: NANFA-- Orange Spotted Sunfish

Denkhaus, Robert (DenkhaR_at_Ci.Fort-Worth.TX.US)
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 15:11:15 -0500

I'll second (or would that be third?) Todd's and Bruce's observations. The
easiest time to find them in our area is during high water but they can be
found all of the time if you look hard enough. We've started our overnight
program for innner city kids this week and they have already netted a few
orangespots in beautiful color. However, these guys are tiny - only about
1.5 inches. I would love some 7" fish (Bruce!!)

Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Stallsmith
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 9:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- Orange Spotted Sunfish
> Todd's experiences below with orange spotted sunfish are
> similar to mine.
> About the only time I come across them is when a local creek
> hits flood
> stage in February/March and backs up into shallow roadside
> ditches. Then I
> can collect them with a 12" x 18" net (I have 2 small ones
> from this past
> winter...). Otherwise, they seem to hang in tough-to-collect
> places in the
> main creek channel. Interestingly, I gave 2 to a friend last
> summer for his
> outdoor pond. In less than a year they've gone from 'bout 3"
> long to about
> 6-7" and are terrorizing tadpoles and small frogs in his pond, to my
> friend's distress. So I've gotta go retrieve them sometime soon. A
> stoneroller has also become a monster in the same time period.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> >Something that might be interesting... Around here, I've
> only run into
> >them in wide *slow* areas (like secondary channels around islands) on
> >larger streams/rivers, and then, *only* during high water. And then
> >I'll see 5 or 6 or more. I think their habitat during normal water
> >levels is just in areas that we can't/don't normally fish. It's too
> >wide, flat and quiet to seine or dip and too shallow to
> angle (dry flies
> >might be a good application?).
> >
> >I did run into a mess of them *once* in a smaller stream, but it was
> >deep and had *very* undercut banks. Sometimes my arms would be under
> >water and the seine poles still hadn't found the back :) Again, they
> >were in very slow pools. Netted and released one particular
> beauty...
> >7" male in full color. Unbelievable :)
> >
> >So maybe that's how you can look for them if you're in the range....
> >They're like the "reluctant to live in the river" kind of fish :)
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