I've encountered orange spotted sunfish in the field on a handful of
occassions, but not recently. The last time was up in a glacial lake in
eastern South Dakota. They really are beautiful fish... especially males in
full spawning coloration. My dad is setting up a pond and he was going to
defile it with exotics. I suggested he consider L. humilis, so I'm keeping
a casual eye out for them as well. Unfortunately, they're just not very
common in eastern Nebraska. I'll let you know if I come across any.
Mike Bessert
Lincoln, NE
> I'm still looking for Orange Spotted Sunfish. There seems to be no one out
> there interested in them. Is there some reason for this?
> The only commercial site that has them, has placed a warning that their stock
> has worms. I don't want to bring anything into my ponds and tanks that will
> start trouble.
> They seem to have a very large range. Does anyone know of a population of
> Orange Spotted Sunfish in or around New York State.
> Rich Butts
> Marlborough, MA
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