William Hoppe (
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 19:09:34 -0500

Good for you Greg .Only now Im uncertain for sure . The area is the Arkansas
Ozarks . Ive found references to Copes Grey Treefrog , Eastern Gray Treefrog
,Common Grey Tree Frog ,Southern GreyTree Frog And and a general grouping
of Grey Treefrog and Grey Treefrog as seperate from Copes Grey Treefrog .
They are not reliably diferent by anything external as adults . The Calls or
songs are different and I found a recording of the Grey Treefrog and a
discription of the Copes Grey Treefrog call .They have been spawning in my
pools -daphnia especialy-and hang on my window screans producing-it seems to
me- noises louder than any hard rock band . From the recording/description I
would say it is Copes . However Copes tadpoles are said to have a red tip on
the tail . I havent seen that on the tadpoles .Just looked around again and
found sound for Copes . Sounds like Copes.
You must be right on the scorpion . Its the only one in Arkansas .Striped
Bark Scorpion . Thanks .

Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
A gathering of fish heads --its smelly but fun.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Watkins-Colwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- OT ID ?

> on 6/16/02 2:50 PM, BILL HOPPE at wrote:
> > can anyone ID this toad or scorpion ? Or is it even a
> > toad ? PHOTOS at
> >
> Where were the photos taken, or more importantly, where were the animals?
> the treefrog could be gray or cope's treefrog, depending upon ploidy (a
> geographic reference would help though as the two species are not
> throughout their entire ranges).
> The scorpion looks to me like it COULD be Centruoides vittatus.
> Greg
> --
> Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell
> Connecticut

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