Re: NANFA-- Pacific Island fish

B.G. Granier (
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 09:55:25 -0500

For expert help on the subject of possible freshwater gobies existing on
Easter Island, please ask Dr. J. Michael Fitzsimons of LSU. He has devoted
years to this study.

You may reach him at . Please tell him that I referred
your question to him.


BG Granier
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Watkins-Colwell <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Pacific Island fish

> on 6/14/02 11:19 AM, Al G Eaton at wrote:
> > I doubt it, Rapa Nui has no surface running water, so
> > I don't know how fish would colonize such an island.
> >
> > Even the flora is sparse.
> thanks. Allow me to rephrase the question. I work at a museum of natural
> history and we have specimens collected in 1980 on Rapa Island which I am
> currently sifting through and identifying/cataloging. Among the common
> oceanic geckos and skinks are 3 fish (gobies). Given that this particular
> collector did mostly highland collecting, I am assuming that these are
> freshwater fish. However, they could easily be tidal pool fish too.
> should I start? Is there a basic book that could serve as a starting
> for near shore and freshwater fish of this region, even if not specific to
> this island?
> Thanks,
> Greg
> --
> Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell
> Connecticut

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