<< There are many cases like this where private land ownership by some poor
slob without government manipulation is the best defender of habitats
and biodiversity. Not to mention a nicer quality of human life!
Let me take ownership of a land tract and see how long it takes for it to be
developed. Over my dead body! My sons feel the same way (yes I have taught
them well). Of course Jeff you failed to mention the most obscene use of land
of all. The golf course! Nothing wastes land or disrupts the ecology like a
golf course. I have seen golf courses in my area bulldoze over dozens of
natural ponds containing unique small ecosystems. Ponds that many types of
amphibians used as spawning grounds. Nice black water ponds with populations
of unusual fish all destroyed so rich guys could knock a small white ball
around the houses where they live. One golf course in particular "Beau Rivage
Plantation" destroyed some of the most interesting habitats I have ever seen,
wetlands, ponds, stands of huge trees, without so much as a protest by the
Greens or even by the laws which were ignored totally to build the homes and
golf courses. it was a wonderful place to explore nature now it's just a huge
mono culture of unnatural grass.
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