NANFA-- Ranger Bob's FishCamperee
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 19:30:36 EDT
hi everyone...
i want to urge everyone who can to try to attend Ranger Bob's gathering at
the NE corner of Tennessee in Kingsport. He has really organized an excellent
opportunity for us to explore another region and a tour of the facililities
at the Kingsport City Nature Center. He has established several large tanks
there that are filled with native fish and other local critters. Then we got
a great place to stay on an old family homestead right next to a mountain
stream. Campfire, fish stories and maybe we can catch a catfish or two for
the grill. What more could we ask for! im very excited and hope to see a lot
of you there. I think it will be one of the best opportunities of the year.
The Ranger has attended just about every NANFA convention since i first meet
him at the Chattanooga gathering in 1998. I am very pleased he has taken the
time and effort to provide us with a really cool trip. I hope to see a bunch
of you there!
Clear mountain water, friends and new fish are urging me north!
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