Just a note to relate my story of a really tough fish..........
Gobiosoma boscii (Naked Goby) is found in the estuaries of the Louisiana Gulf
coast. One can often kick along the beaches of the area and pour out a
discarded pop-bottle or beer can into a net and observe this little fish.
I was collecting fish at the Bayou Lacombe, Louisiana area on Sunday, June 2,
2002. It was taken with a dip-net in the shallow water at the terminus of La.
Hwy 434 at the northern edge of Lake Ponchartrain and the Bayou Lacombe road.
I tossed it into my Igloo cooler, along with specimens of Fundulus grandis and
Cyprinodon variegatus and gave it no more thought until today, June 6, 2002.
After my arrival at home on Sunday, I transferred the former species in a
holding tank, just assuming the the Naked gobie had been tranferred also.
When I picked up the empty cooler to rinse it out today (it was standing in a
corner and had completely dried out), I noticed a fish flopping around on the
dried out bottom of the cooler! When I looked closer, to my complete surprise,
I saw the lone male Naked Gobie had survived in what had to be just a scant
tablespoon of water that was trapped in the drain spout of this Igloo
Now this fish was promptly placed into a small container with it's scant water
supply and is now being acclimated to another of my brackish water tanks and
is provided with a portion of freshly hatched brine shrimp to somehow make up
for his ordeal!
Try that with a tetra or cichlid or whatever!
I am still amazed at this!
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