Re: NANFA-- Re:pulling our heads out of the sand & miniature
Boo Radley (
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 18:51:25 -0700 (PDT)
> As for saving endangered species, if we ended the
> prohibitions on
> commercial trade and let people make a livelyhood
> managing and
> harvesting them for commercial sale then no way
> under heaven barring
> some unforeseen calamity would they be allowed to
> become extinct. People
> tend to protect what they are allowed to own for
> themselves and those
> who don't usually end up owning very little or
> nothing at all.
> On the other hand when resources are held in common
> by all they tend to
> get overexploited and abused or simply locked up and
> put off limits to
> all but maybe a small elite. The ongoing battles
> over use of federal
> lands for example.
This is very strong ideology. I am reminded of student
Maoists I knew at school.They always had a big answer
for everything. I am to weak for this righteousness.
Boo Radley, Saraland, Alabama
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