In July 2002 issue of "Boys Life" -- My Favorite Sharks by Alison Delsite
Ken Goldman, a shark researcher at the Virginia Institute of Marine
Science, provides short overview of half a dozen shark species and
emphasizes the need for research and conservation.
In May/Jun 2002 issue of "Endangered Species Update" -- Smalltooth sawfish:
the USA's first endangered elasmobranch by Colin A. Simpfendorfer.
The biology and status of the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) is
reviewed by an expert on the species. Article notes that the sawfish was
probably common until the mid-20th century, after which substantial declines
were observed. The fish were killed by commercial fishermen as nuisance
bycatch, and by recreational fishermen for their toothy rostra which were
prized trophies and curios. Author estimates population size now is less
than 5% its original size (during the time of European settlement).
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