RE: NANFA-- The Future of Life

Crail, Todd (
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:46:57 -0400

And while you're doing yourself this favor, also grab Wilson's "The
Diversity of Life" for a more in-depth discussion of whole ecosystem
dynamics and how to build third world economies with that in mind,
speciation, and the reprocussions of species elimination. He spends
perhaps a 1/3 of the book describing why habitat fragmentation is such a
dastardly blow to diversity, a point Lomborg seems to naively look right
over. But who can blame him? He's a statistician by profession, not an
ecologist ;)

At any rate... It's in paperback and it's $16.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Scharpf
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:16 PM
Subject: NANFA-- The Future of Life

While you're reading "The Skeptical Environmentalist" do yourself a
and also read "The Future of Life" by Edward O. Wilson. It's a thin
only $22 retail. Even if you don't read the whole thing, read the last
chapter, "The Solution." You'll find that one of the world's leading
biologists presents a measured and balanced solution to the biodiversity
crisis that strips away political ideology to find common ground where
economic progress and conservation are treated as the same goal.
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