> -----Original Message-----
> From: [SMTP:Moontanman at]
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 11:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- The Future of Life?
> In a message dated 6/21/02 10:39:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Earth First,
> then we use up other planets. >>
> No you missed my point. "artificial space habitats" Terra forming is
> another
> thing entirely, takes thousands if not millions of years, and might not
> even
> be possible. Then you have to think is it right to colonize another planet
> that might have life even if it is only bacteria. What I have in mind is
> know
> in space technology circles as O'neil cylinders. Using materials from
> asteroids you build giant sized hollow habitats spin them to make
> artificial
> gravity on the inside, use fiber optics or mirrors to bring sunlight into
> the
> inner surface and line it with dirt. make hills and valleys, fill it with
> air
> and water and you have an artificial habitat. Use a magnetic field to
> shield
> it from particle radiation from the sun. It could be anywhere from a few
> acres to several square miles. You can choose your own gravity, air
> pressure,
> and control the weather. Forests, streams, lakes, even golf courses if you
> must have them.
> Moon
> ----
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