Just a few days ago...asteroid 2002MN passed undetected
between the earth and moon. 100-yards across, and trucking
along at 23,000 MPH...this would have caused massive devestation,
with an impact on par with our biggest nuclear explosion.
A similar event flattened 800-square miles of Forest in Siberia
in 1908.
Planet-killer asteroids, which are much bigger, and effectively
end MOST life on earth have a recurrance interval of about
a million years.
I believe it was the great Naturalist(and Icthologist) Louis Agassiz
who proposed that these periodic mass extinctions(which have
characterized our planet) were essential to sort of kick-start
a new biological begining.
Man has historically over-estimated his own importance. Nature
will ALWAYS humble us.
Believe me, from where I sit tonight, I feal "Pretty Small".
Down On The Coast,
Rob Erhardt
Mobile, AL
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