NANFA-- VA Regional Field Trip May 25, 2002 - Sycolin Creek

Mike Thennet (
Fri, 07 Jun 2002 07:46:47 -0400

Hello Native Fishheads,

On May 25th, 2002, Memorial Day weekend, Terri Vance (PVAS Secretary and

soon to be member of NANFA), Drummond Howard, his son, Vincent and
myself, met at Sycolin Creek in Loudon County, Virginia for our first
field trip of the year.

Immediately noticed was the creek shore, along the roadside, sparesly
decorated with discarded trash, bottles and cans. This creek is located

near the Dulles Greenway area outside Washington D.C. which is infamous
for it high rate of development. Fortunately, the creek seemed to be as

healthy as ever with an abundance of clam shells and broken crayfish
carapaces strewn about the shoreline.

After claiming a small beach home base, we walked down stream a little
ways and sampled upstream back to the base. Species sampled included:
rock bass, green sunfish, redbreast sunfish, creek chub, central
stonerollers, bluntnose minnow, blacknose dace, longnose dace, greenside

darter, fantail darter, mottled sculpin, crayfish and snails. Also,
various aquatic insects such as midge larvae, hellgramites and
stoneflies were present.

Luckily, the trip turned out to be extremely productive and a good time
for all involved. I would like to thank all those who participated or
wanted to participate and could not. I am definitely looking forward
to our next trip to the Poni River on June 15th.

So long from VA,


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