Re: NANFA-- fishing in the cement pond - now with mussel!
R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:56:47 -0500
We have a similar law on fishing near the lock and dams on the Mississippi.
You cannot take fish in any other method than hook and line, I forget the
distance 200 to 300 feet or something like that. This is fine in the world
of sport fishing, however, collecting on the Miss, these are some of the
only public access spots for miles, and areas certain species congregate
because of increased current. I might be be misinformed, but what is the
difference if you net up a group of shiners, darters etc 10 feet from a lock
and dam, or a mile down or upstream??? Sure they maybe more concentrated,
but, its public access, and you still have to follow your bag limit laws. It
just sounds like one more enforcement law that takes time away from thinly
spread wardens that could be working on something more important. Wisconsin
complains about a warden shortage, one way to remedy this is to revamp the
regulations so they don't have to be watching for every little thing and can
pursue things that could really hurt the resources they are working to
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