Re: NANFA-- Ohio mussels

Todd Crail (
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 19:51:07 -0400

Out of control.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Smith" <>
To: "nanfa" <>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Ohio mussels

> The following is copied from Ohio Fishing Regulations.
> "CLAMS, MUSSELS, OR MUSSEL SHELLS may not be taken, possessed, or
> collected for any purpose."
> I think they need to get their act together on this. I talked to the
> head person in Columbus and he claimed this obnoxious rule was aimed at
> poachers from Kentucky and Tennessee. They could put a limit of five or
> as easy as a limit of nothing and it could be enforced just as well.
> Equally ridiculous is the idea that one can kill fifteen mussels for
> bait but not be allowed to pick up dead shells or keep the shells of the
> individuals just killed and take them home for a collection.
> According to this rule even scientists are not allowed to possess
> shells, and what about people trying to get rid of zebra mussels, they are
> breaking the law.
> Sorry for the rant but this has been bugging me for months.
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