Here's how it looked minutes ago:
Lost on all of this...? This will bring you up to speed:
No plants have been added since that picture in the library. In fact,
competition has ruled out a couple and benefit others. The "Crypt" field is
totally solid now (to the left). Not looking forward to replanting that
hehheh. Apongetons have gone into dormancy (to the right), I'm hoping this
will stimulate them back into action.
All in all... Shouldn't be too bad (any more than moving a 75 gallon with a
little extra wet sand to carry). It will be interesting to get a good whiff
of what's down in that sand. There should be a mild Hydrogen Sulfide smell,
but shouldn't be overwhelming. In any case, I'm aerating the heck out of it
tonight when I'm done :)
When I get all done, I'll get some pics of the new 75 with Natives and deep
sand... Gotta move the darter's 30 gallon down too, but after this... I
should be able to do that in my sleep.
Off I go... Wheeeeeeeeee....
"The nation behaves well if it treats resources as assets
which it must turn over to the next generation increased,
and not impaired, in value."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
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