Jeremy Tiemann wrote:
> My wife and I picked cherries off a neighbor's tree this weekend. I
> decided to do a little yard work while she cleaned and pitted the
> cherries. When I came into the house, she had a small pile of white
> worms (I did not look at them that closely so I do not know what they
> were). Excited that she saved them, I decided to dump the worms into
> my community tank where a violet explosion of activity instantly
> occurred. My bluntnose minnows, slender madtom, and sunfish
> (bluegill, longear, and orangespot) went on a feeding frenzy. I
> have fed the fishes maggots, small grasshoppers / crickets, blood
> worms and various other water insect larvae before; the fishes become
> more excited over this live food than over the standard food in a
> can. However, I have never seen anything like what I saw this
> weekend. Has anyone ever placed fruit worms in their aquaria before?
> After the activity subsided in the tank, a similar feeding frenzy
> occurred when the cherry pie and ice cream were placed on the table.
> --
> Jeremy Tiemann
> Biological Field Assistant
> Illinois Natural History Survey
> Center for Biodiversity
> 607 E. Peabody Dr.
> Champaign, IL 61820
> Telephone: (217) 244-4594
> Fax: (217) 333-4949
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