> Most of my fish won't touch the hardshell guys. I
> just eyedropper them out and squirt into the yard to die
David & the rest of the list:
I had a nice big bucket of mosquito larvae I'd collected in a mountain pool
on my way home from getting a load of firewood a few years ago and after I'd
unloaded the firewood, I threw the bucket with the 'skeeter' larvae into the
back of the pickup for the short jaunt to my house. Well, when I arrived home,
about half of the larvae had sloshed out of the bucket onto the bed of my
truck, where the 90 degree temps dried out any remnants of water & were fast
killing them, right? Wrong, the son-of-a-guns were hatching out like crazy and I
even saw some hatch off of that pickup bed [with no water] the following
morning! I think once they reach the hard shell stage, they're gonna hatch short of
getting nuked!
Bruce Scott
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