Re: NANFA-- My house is full of Damselflies, and I feel like

Mysteryman (
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:15:40 -0700

It looks like it's going to be awhile before I can get to Edisto.
As it happens, I've been trying for an open slot at Riverbanks Zoo, but
they're dragging their feet up there, and I can't wait much longer. In
fact, I'll probably have to take another job in Dallas as early as this
weekend. I'll stay on the list, but ya'll won't hear from me very much.
I can see it now; I'll come home to find that "You have 653 messages."

At any rate, while an expedition to Edisto won't be happening for me
anytime soon, barring a miracle, I'll get there eventually.
Are the sailfins in the Columbia area greensided? When I say greensided,
I really mean the deep, metallic teal green of the "Edistos", but any
green will do. If so, then my crossbreeding scheme might actually work.
For that matter, you can give it a try yourself, if you're so inclined.
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