NANFA-- Seine permits?

Todd Crail (
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 11:54:55 -0400

Does anyone know who to contact in Ohio to get an appropriate permit for an
oversized seine?

It would be used for educational and scientific purposes only (read:
non-aquaria-collection :) and I can surely get references from teachers,
professors, zoo education director, and county park districts. I think
that's what's necessary?

I did some work yesterday with the University of Toledo Grad program on a
dam removal project they'd like to see happen on Ottawa River/Tenmile Creek.
It's about a 6' lowhead with 3 flapper valves below for low water (big
stupid dam). They've already done analysis on sediments and water level
affects (about 6 inches downstream at 100 year flood heh). We were doing
fauna collections to see what's above and below.

In return for my help (I didn't go there looking to get paid sheesh), the
Professor has offered me $100 to tag on to their grant and would like me to
order collecting supplies. Knowing to not look a gift horse in the mouth, I
ended my protest quickly and would like to get a 20'x6' seine from Memphis
(and an 8' one for myself too ;). Our equipment yesterday was, well,
inferior and beat up compared to a nice delta rubber coated seine, and this
could be used at great lengths for their projects and the others that I'm
starting to find myself heavily involved in.

I wanted to make sure that I could get the appropriate permits before


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