NANFA-- How 'Bout Them Catfishes

Christopher Scharpf (
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 20:25:26 -0400

How 'bout them catfishes
ain't they a mess?

Fried up with hush puppies!
Well, I guess!

More than just tasty
you must agree,
subjects for discussion
in ichthyology.

There's channels and flatheads
and madtom, too
and then there's a big one
they call "Old Blue."

They got forked tails, round tails
and adipose fins
and they shore look funny
with them barbels on they chins.

Fun to catch, good to eat
and the little ones are cute.
A catfish is a gift from God
in a slimy suit.

-- Robert Wallus, "Reproductive Biology and Early Life History of Fishes in
the Ohio River Drainage, Volume 3, Ictaluridae--Catfish and Madtoms" (2004)
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