> I went out to check on my Enneacanthus obesus today and found some
> eggs. Yea! I had put the presumed females (smaller fish) outdoors
> in a tub that was full of bugs from last year (it was out all
> winter). That was maybe four weeks ago. They fattened up nicely on
> the rich food. So I set them up with the males in a 100 gal
> livestock tank/tub. It has a rectagular UG filter and powerhead (the
> tub is oval) and a layer of fine red flint gravel. I also added a
> couple terra cotta drain tiles and a couple clay flower pots for
> cover. I pulled all of the fish out today and found the eggs inside
> one of the flower pots, which had been lain on it's side like a cave.
> The fish had only been in there for maybe two weeks. So now I'm
> counting on the little wrigglers to hatch out and take care of
> themselves until they are big enough to see them. This is a nice
> strain originally from New Jersey. These will be F2's I think I
> have Lepomis marginatus eggs in my other tub too. So I may have more
> fish to move before _we_ move!
> --
> Mark
> Ohio
> <))><
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