Re: NANFA-- silverjaw minnow

Jay DeLong (
Tue, 06 Mar 2001 12:38:22 -0800

I was looking to see where the fish is in Ohio since I've seen it
there. So I found this, from the ODNR website:
and this from the University of Michagan website: (which also has a
nice photo of the fish)
and this from the USGS
All call it N. buccatus.

Older citations seem to have it as E. buccata, such as:
Toth, L.A., D.R. Dudley, J.R. Karr, & O.T. Gorman. 1981. Decline of a
silverjaw minnow (Ericymba buccata) population in an agricultural
watershed. Pages 231-244 in "Environmental Impact of Land Use on Water
Quality. Final Report on the Black Creek Project". Phase II. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, IL. EPA-905/9-81-003.

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA

At 03:18 PM 3/6/01 -0400, you wrote: > >Is the silverjaw minnow that was once called Ericymba buccata now known as > >Notropis buccatus? > >Jay, > >It's the other way around. > >(Perhaps you're confusing Notropis buccatus with Notropis buccala, the >smalleye >shiner?) > >Chris

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