Re: NANFA-- butter cat

Scott D. Goett (
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 19:14:13 -0500

You didn't like my answer? Take it up with That wat they say
it is.


Ken Wintin wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott D. Goett []
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 5:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- butter cat
> Butter catfish
> OK, let's get this straight. I am talking about a native North American
> catfish, and a COLLOQUIAL name for it. I guess that I should admit that
> Jay has the correct answer, and will get the plants. In Florida, and many
> other locales in the Southeast, the Yellow Bullhead is called a butter cat,
> supposedly because of color and taste. My father, God rest his soul, used
> to talk about a favorite fishin' hole in southern Florida called
> "Stumpknocker Hole', and that the tastiest Butter Cats in the world, that
> could be caught there.
> As for BG's answer, I was taught that "Uh..." was a Cajun word used to
> disarm, and confuse an opponent. It is usually used to confuse the wife
> before going out to catch a mess of specks, and trout (crappie and black
> bass).
> Anyone else have a colloquial name, for a native fish, that we can try to
> guess?
> Ken-In-The-Desert
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