Re: NANFA-- MMM ... warpaint shiners

Roselawn Museum (
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:26:47 -0500

Every time we visit the "golden triangle" in NW GA, we come home with
plenty of warpaints. In almost every instance, we catch them in the pools
of clear, cold streams. While they are very beautiful, they seem unusually
prone to infection. It's a good idea to treat them with medicine as soon as
you get them home, if not in the collection bucket. I have successfully
kept them in tanks without a significant current, but they do seem to
prefer cooler water. If you don't come up with any on your trip, let me
know. I can get you some.

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 09:05 AM 3/21/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At 9:41 PM -0500 3/20/01, wrote:
>>MMM ... warpaint shiners, Where's my field guide? Oh yeah ... guess I'll
>>to set up a riffle tank. Would a 20 long be good, and what's the best way to
>>simulate a current?
>Actually, I think warpaints are more of a pool species, though they
>probably prefer flowing water. I think a deeper tank would be better, with
>plenty of swimming space. They get big and active. Maybe a 55?
>Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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