Re: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1201 (perches)

Bruce Stallsmith (
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 22:01:15 -0500

>What is the difference between Sacramento perch and tule perch?
A Sacramento perch, _Archoplites interruptus_, is the only centrarchid
(sunfish/bass) native to California. The tule perch, _Hysterocarpus traski_,
is a member of a very different family, the surfperches (Embiotocidae)
usually found in salt water. Both of these are freshwater natives of
California, and both are in trouble due to land use changes and introduced
species. I don't think that it's illegal to keep these fishes, but it is
certainly very difficult to get a collecting permit in California because
most natives fishes are in the same kinds of trouble. Anyone offering these
fishes for distribution should be checked out very closely for legitimacy.
This restriction on collecting is unfortunate (and very different from
Alabama...) but is a reflection of how badly we have altered the original
ecosystems in fragile areas like arid lands (southern California, Nevada,

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
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