Todd Crail (
Sun, 14 Mar 2004 11:56:16 -0500

Absolutely Ray. That's why I dumped off a stack of them down at Ohio State
this week. I don't have to say much about NANFA... The journals speak for
themselves :)

Maybe we can get a program going where we have select reprint articles
available to anyone who's a member to pass out. They're already in PDF and
would print just as you get them in your mailbox (pictures, formatting, all
the neat stuff Chris does with it). I don't think that would be very
difficult to do. I'd offer it now, but I think that needs to be ironed out
on the BOD list first :)

And as a reminder, there are a lot of articles on the website (the text
content). They're kinda hard to find right now, but will be featured
prominently in the new brand of the site that I hope to launch in the next
couple weeks. For now, you can find them at:

I also have about 15 copies of the Summer 2003 issue left. If you have
someone in mind that you feel a free copy would put them over the edge,
don't hesitate to contact me. I'll get them mailed out to you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "R. W. Wolff" <>

> Trust me, anyone trying to recruit new members, just tell them the AC is
> worth the membership. A great variety of articles, plus the snippets of
> email list and riffles etc. No where else could you get your North
> fish reading fix four times a year. I have to embarass Chris again in
> of all of you : he might be a cyborg, how does he do it? Proofing all
> articles, sticking them together in a professional manner? All this and
> new addition to the family, and I am sure the same obligations we all
> Who could have time unless they were enhanced in some way? Either that or
> the natural talent of editor was bestowed on Chirs. Thanks again for all
> your hard work!!!
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