Re: NANFA-- Shad

John B (
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:12:30 -0600

Absolutely. The trick is to get them home. There have been a number of
threads on this list explaining how to do it
but I don't remember who wrote them. Was it Moon? Casper? I saw some
today infact in a 300 gal tall cylindrical tank.
There were about 15 of them schooling togeter. It looked really nice.


Mysteryman wrote:

> wrote:
>>Can freshwater shad be kept in captivity?
>Sure, no problem when they're small, although they're only interesting
>in large schools, in my opinion. I've found they learn to eat
>"fishfoods" pretty quickly. They're messy, though; I hope you like to
>make water changes.
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