> From: matt ashton <>
> Date: 2004/03/25 Thu AM 07:14:03 CST
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Freckled Madtom Eating Behavior
> The nature center/field station I worked at had a 2.5 acre pond with one flathead in it that was about 2 ft long but was definately what I would call trained. The bluegill in the pond would rush to the benches and just wait for people to be there and devour anything you threw in the water. shortly after so would the would think he would go after the bluegill that are helpless in 6 inches of water and not paying attention all densley schooled up but only twice did I not see him go after bread. if you threw some bread way out into the pond and it wasnt gotten by the bluegills shortly after you would see a boil on the surface and a tail roll.
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