NANFA-- gar pond

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 3 May 2000 01:15:21 -0700

Today I saw some neat things in the pond. First was bantam sunfish
spawning. The male had scooped out a nest the size of a baseball over some
water plantain roots. I checked later this afternoon and there were alot of
eggs. I also seen two least darter males sparring. They would circle each
other in an inch of water on the point on the north shore , biting each
others tails, hard! This must have looked enough like pygmy sunfish male
sparring, as a banded pygmy sunfish came out of the rushes to investigate,
as he came within 4 inches of them, before cruising back into the rushes.
This was cool because it was the most noticeable things in the pond today,
and these are small fish other than the minnows that are for food, rather
than the large gars being the focal point. This is what I was hoping for,
as in the wild, its not always the largest fish that draw the attention.
The small ones are up to alot too.

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