NANFA-- Goldfish DEAD

Nicholas J. Zarlinga (
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 00:23:02 -0400

Ouch!! This is the exact results that I have found with experimenting with
this stuff. It seems that you need to let the liner cure for a while. My
suggestion would be to fill it with water and let it sit for a couple of
weeks. Then change water and let sit for at least another week and then
try the test fish. I would have never beleived it myself if I had not run
tests on it. Take most caution with the cut edges and make sure they cure
by contact with the air. I wonder if sealing them with some kind of rubber
cement would help? I would probably do this after I let them dry in the
sun for a couple of days. I would be very interested to hear the results.

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216-661-6500 ex 4485

"Fish worship... is it wrong??" (Ray Troll)

Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 15:04:11 -0400
From: "George Arndt" <>
Subject: NANFA-- Goldfish DEAD

I dont know what to say. less than an hour after writing this message. i
looked at the goldfish and he looks like he has been dead a long time. he
looks a bit bloated up. i guess the roofing epdm is dangerous. now i
like to add that the water was not in contact with the epdm for a long
maybe a couple of hours. the water was removed to a container. so
basically no so called new poisons were given a chance to leach into the
water. this is interesting.

George arndt
harvard, mass

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