--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
> > community structure. The speaker, Ken Marion of the Univ. of Alabama in
> > Birmingham, referred to blackbanded darters, Percina nigrofasciata, as
> > tolerant of turbid, low quality waters and presented an increase in
> > numbers as symptomatic of degrading water quality. Has anyone else heard
> > such a use of blackbanded darters? This is part of the creation of an
>Not heard of it (being that I don't frequent ichtyological circles) but I
>had an intuition that this was happening in the Mukwanago River in
>WI. Earlier trips had always elicited rainbow darters. The last two trips
>had elicited more P. nigrofasciata than we ever seen before and very few
>rainbows. Also, there were less plantlife in the river and more turbidity.
>Just an amateur observation. FWIW.
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