So sorry for the late reply.........
Basically you can treat the confluentus like any other killie species (with
the exception of hard and/or salty water) and keep the sexes separate while
heavily feeding them. Once the females are ripe and the males are fully
colored-up, place them into the same aquarium with both top and bottom yarn
mops and check for the clear-colored eggs daily........
Once you've found the eggs, place them into a container of tank water, (like
a lab dish, whatever),
add a drop of methylene blue and keep them covered and in a dark place for
14-17 days and keep pulling out any white or fuzzy eggs, and PRESTO! You may
have little pairs of eyeballs swimming around and waiting to devour baby
brine shrimp, etc.!
Doesn't this sound easy? It is really!
----- Original Message -----
From: Edward Venn <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:17 AM
Subject: Fundulus confluentus-Marsh Killifish
Andy sent me 6 of these fish觔riginally there were 9 but 3 didn't survive
past Japanese customs. I've been trying to find more info on breeding and
care without success. Can you help?
Tokyo Japan
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