RE: NANFA-- Juvenile bowfin

Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Thu, 10 May 2001 10:13:00 -0500

I collected some juvenile bowfin (approx 75 mm TL) last week and set them up
in a bare-bottom Plexiglas tank. Began feeding 1 day later. Initially they
ignored food floating on the surface and sinking through the water column,
but would pick up food after it landed on the bottom or drifted over it.
They ate frozen bloodworms immediately and are now eating 3-5 mm chunks of
frozen shrimp. A few are picking food from the water colum but most are
still feeding from or near the bottm. This makes me think that they were
feeding primarily on benthos before I collected them, although small
individuals of other fish species (mosquitofish, pygmy sunfish) were
conspicuously absent in their pool.

>>>Everyone who was interested in the bowfin,
As I have said, I don't know how to take care of the bowfin, and
thought they might not make it. Well, I tried everything, but they would not
eat anything-live or frozen. They all unfortunately died, I'm very very
sorry. I will be out collecting again soon to look for something else
interesting, but I will not keep it unless anyone wants it. I have access to
lots of different fish, so ask me if you want anything from southwest
Michigan. Again, I am very sorry about the bowfin. __Dan Marshall,

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