Re: NANFA-- Stonerollers
R. W. Wolff (
Thu, 10 May 2001 23:48:10 -0500
I have some little ones in the big pond, and they are doing great. I would
figure once they get bigger they might spawn. Nice looking and acting fish.
Unique in the school of other minnows, they stand out. Its surprising to me
how many stream fish are doing well in a river/ lake set up. So far the
stone roller is on minnow specie that can keep from being eaten. I know I
only have put a few in there, and they are still there. Dace, shiners,
phimphales etc all slowly go away and need to be replenished. Hungry gar,
bowfin and warmouth take them out. They all spawn just fine, but the fry
are such good food for smaller fish very few make it to adulthood. The only
other cyprinid specie that is probably holding its own just with
reprodcution is spotfin shiners. I have supplemented the population, but
have seen the fry grow to adulthood.
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