Re: NANFA-- U/G and plants?

D. Martin Moore (
Fri, 11 May 2001 21:35:07 -0500

On 11 May 2001, at 21:18, wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm sure this topic has come up before, but do plants really do bad
> with under gravel filtration? I know there are some strong opinions out
> there, but in general, will I have a problem growing plants with U/G
> filtration? As far as rooted plants go, I am using vallisneria, anacharis
> canadensis, milfoil, watercress, emergent sedges, rushes, crisp pondweed,
> various small shallow water plants, ect. I don't need a lot of input, I'm
> sure this has come up before, and most wouldn't want to enter that topic
> again... Thanks! __Dan

While there is no real evidence that UGF's are bad for plants, most
plant people shun them. Plus, it is really had to use specialized
substrata (like kitty litter) with a UGF. I have abandoned them


Jackson, MS

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