Re: NANFA-- I've been through the desert on a horse with no

Jay DeLong (
Sat, 12 May 2001 13:43:09 -0700


>>I was disappointed that many closeup underwater photos I took of smaller
>>critters (gobies, urchins, seastars, sea cucumbers, corals, crabs, etc)
>>didn't turn out because of the limitations of the disposeable underwater
>>camera I had. All the same, what turned out provides us with great
>>memories amd I hope you enjoy them, too.
>Do those cameras use ultrafast film like ASA 800? That would be a serious
>two-edged sword.

Yes, but the reason the closeups didn't turn out (and I was hoping for a
few in particular, including a redhead goby hiding in a hole against a jet
black urchin) was because the camera wouldn't handle extreme closeups, and
it didn't let you know ithat the object was not in focus. So, it was just
point, shoot, and hope. It seemed to do best at around 3-8 feet or so, and
in good light. I'll remember that next time... or if I go back there I'll
probably first buy one of those underwater cameras people discussed on this
list a year or so ago.

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA

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